Monday, July 3, 2023

Gauhati University B.Ed Admission 2023 – Online Application


Gauhati University B.Ed Admission 2023

Gauhati University has released the Gauhati University Bachelor Degree. Published. Joint Entrance Examination for Admission to GU B.Ed (GUBEDCET) Course for Academic Session 2023-2024.

Interested candidates can submit an online application on GUBEDCET's official application portal for admission to the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program at Gauhati University from 6 July 2023.

Admission Details for Gauhati University B.Ed

 Exam name: Gauhati University B.Ed. Joint Entrance Examination (GUBEDCET-2023)

 Course Name: B.Ed. Program

 Academic Session: 2023-2024

 University name: Gauhati University

 Exam type: joint entrance examination

 Exam time: 2 hours

 Exam Mode: Offline (MCQ)

 Entrance examination date: Sunday, August 6, 2023

Application Mode: Online

Application fee: Rs 1500/-

Admission Criteria for Gauhati University Bachelor Degree Admission

According to NCTE criteria, a candidate will be admitted to GUBEDCET-2023 provided she has passed her B.A./B.Sc. /Bcom or Master's Degree/MSc/MSc/Master's degree or degree equivalent to at least 50% (45% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD) of credits earned at a recognized institution/university.

Application Fee: Candidates wishing to submit an online application for GUBEDCET-2023 are required to pay an application fee of Rs 1500.00 + bank transaction fee.

Key Dates for 2023 Gauhati University B.Ed Admissions

# Start accepting online applications: July 6, 2023
# Online application submission deadline: July 21, 2023
# Where tickets are available: will be updated later
# B.Ed's date joint entrance examination: Sunday, August 6, 2023
# Date of achievement list: will be updated later

Important Web Links for Gauhati University B.Ed Admission

Application From Online 06 July 2023
Add Details Coming Soon
Official Site Click Here
Details of GUBE DCET 2023

 In order to select suitable students for admission to Gauhati University B.Ed, all interested students must participate in a joint entrance examination. The structure of the GUBEDCET exam is as follows:

# Total questions: 100

# Total score: 400

# Duration of GUBEDCET exam: 2 hours

# Question type: All questions are MCQ type with 4 choices and only 1 correct answer. 

# Question language: The exam booklet and OMR are written in English. Testing is based on OMR.

# Rating system: 4 points for correct answers and (-1) points for incorrect answers. There are no negative ratings for unanswered questions.

Syllabus of GUBEDCET

SL. No Topic's Mark's
1 General English (Vocabulary, Tense, Voice, Narration, Prepositions, Correction of sentences, Comprehension) 120
2 General Knowledge (Indian History, Indian Polity, General Science, Current affairs) 120
3 Test of Reasoning and Numerical Ability 120
4 Current Indian Education (Issues and Policies) National Policy on Education 2020, Universalization of Elementary Education – Right to Education, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Secondary Education – Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) 40

GUBEDCET Exam Center

Candidates may attend any of his GUBEDCET 2023 centers below and must indicate so when completing the online form. Candidates must choose one of her three testing centers. Candidates will be assigned to one of the following centers based on the feasibility of a particular center.

SL. No District
1 Barpeta
2 Dhubri
3 Goalpara
4 Guwahati
5 Jorhat
6 Mangaldai
7 Morigaon
8 Nagaon
9 Nalbari
10 Pathsala
11 Rangia
12 Tezpur

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Assam University B.Ed Admission Details

 Assam University B.Ed Admission Details

University of Assam B.Ed. 2023 Entrance Examination is the name of the test

Educator-B.Ed. programme

Assam University is
located in Silchar.


Type: Admissions test
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Exam time.

Offline mode for exams
Type of inquiry: OMR-based

Date of the entrance
examination: August 13, 2023

Contact information:

eligibility requirements

Qualification in terms: বিজ্ঞান/সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান/মানৱতাত স্নাতকোত্তৰ ডিগ্ৰী আৰু/বা
স্নাতকোত্তৰ ডিগ্ৰীবিজ্ঞান আৰু গণিতত বিশেষজ্ঞতা থকা
অভিযান্ত্ৰিক প্ৰযুক্তিত স্নাতক আৰু ৫৫% বা ইয়াৰ সমতুল্য আন যিকোনো অৰ্হতাত কমেও
৫০% নম্বৰ লাভ কৰা প্ৰাৰ্থী যোগ্য কাৰ্যসূচীৰ বাবে। 

Candidates who appeared include:  স্নাতক/ স্নাতকোত্তৰ ডিগ্ৰী হাজিৰ হোৱা প্ৰাৰ্থীসকলে
অনলাইন আবেদন প্ৰ-পত্ৰ পূৰণ কৰিব পাৰেএই চৰ্ত অনুসৰি
প্ৰৱেশ পৰীক্ষাৰ ফলাফল ঘোষণাৰ পূৰ্বে কমেও ৫০% নম্বৰ লৈ ডিগ্ৰী সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰিব

Entrance Examination: প্ৰাৰ্থীয়ে অসম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ৰ বি.এড. সেই শৈক্ষিক অধিবেশনৰ বাবে
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে পৰিচালনা কৰা প্ৰৱেশ পৰীক্ষা ২০২৩।

Documents for the B.Ed. Entrance Application Form

(i) A passport photo of the applicant;

(ii) The applicant’s signature scanned;

(iii) Scanned copies of all original certifications (grade sheets, box
certificates, gap certificates, her employer’s NOC, etc.), showing both sides
of the original document.

§  অনলাইন আবেদন দাখিলৰ আৰম্ভণিৰ তাৰিখ: ১২ জুন ২০২৩

§  অনলাইন আবেদন দাখিলৰ অন্তিম তাৰিখ: ২৮ জুন ২০২৩

§  মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ দ্বাৰা দাখিল কৰা আৱেদন প্ৰ-পত্ৰৰ পৰীক্ষণঃ ১৯ জুন ২০২৩ৰ পৰা ৫ জুলাই ২০২৩লৈ

§  এডমিট কাৰ্ড মুকলি কৰাৰ তাৰিখ: ৭ আগষ্ট ২০২৩

§  ২০২৩ চনৰ বি এড প্ৰৱেশ পৰীক্ষাৰ তাৰিখ (আংশিক): ১৩ আগষ্ট ২০২৩

Important Links—-

Online Application Form Link

Click Here

Admission Notification Link

Click Here

Instruction Manual Link

Click Here

B.Ed Entrance Syllabus Link

Click Here

Official Website Link

Click Here


HS 1st Year Online Admission 2023 --- Admission Merit List


Assam Higher Secondary School Admission Details

Class Name: Higher Education 1st Year (11th Standard)

 Council Name: Assam Higher and Secondary Education Council (AHSEC)

Academic Session: 2023 – 2024

Headquarters: Bamuni Maidam, Guwahati-781021

Online Portal Name: AHSEC DARPAN Online Admission Portal

Application Procedure: Online

Helpline: 8011098621 | (10am to 5pm)

Official website:

Documents to upload in the online form

The student should have the documents listed below in her JPG, JPEG, or PNG file format with a maximum size of 1 MB when submitting the online application form.

1/- A recent passport photo. 

2/- HSLC/10th mark sheet (digital). 

3/- Box certificate (if applicable). 

4/- Disability certificate (if applicable). 

5/- TGL or Ex-TGL certificate (if applicable). 

6/- Gap certification (if applicable).

Important Date-----

*Online application start: May 29, 2023 
*Online application deadline: June 17, 2023 
*Creation of service list for each institution: June 19-21, 2023 
*Declaration date: June 21, 2023
*Last date for student choice of institution: June 24, 2023
*Final date of student admission to the Institute: June 26-28, 2023

Important Links-----

HS 1st Year Merit List
Click Here
HS 1st Year  Admission Link
Register | Login
Lost PasswordClick Here
New Timeline
Click Here
Admission NotificationClick Here
Student Manual Online
Click Here
Official WebClick Here

Monday, June 19, 2023

SAMARTH Admission Portal – Assam College Admission Online



Government to streamline the admission process for postgraduate programs in all universities in Assam. Assam State University has launched a joint online admissions portal called SAMATH. SAMATH Admissions Portal facilitates the admissions process for BA, BCom, BSc etc in online mode as per Assam's new Education Policy 2020.

 “Summerth” was launched in 2019 as part of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology NMEICT-II (now NMEICT-III) with the aim of providing opportunities for Universities and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This is an initiative of the Ministry of Education. Through a digital framework, you can plan, manage, deliver and monitor services for students, staff and other stakeholders. This project will provide universities with a fully managed, cloud-based, end-to-end ERP specifically designed for national universities.

SAMATH Admissions Portal Details

 Portal Name: Assam Higher Education Admission Portal

 Academic Session: 2023-24

Portal Launch Date: June 14, 2023, 6 PM

Affiliated Universities: The list of participating universities is listed below.

Course name: Four-year Graduate Program (FYUGP)

Course duration: 4 years

 Department Name: Assam Higher Education Directorate

        Students seeking admission to all Assam State and supported universities can now use this integrated admissions platform called the Assam State Higher Education Admissions Portal to be granted admission to their desired degree and institution. rice field. Students no longer have to travel from place to place to submit their admission forms.

        Additionally, a student who registers on the portal can apply to any of her 10 universities of choice. Admission is granted to the university and degree program chosen by the student based on ability. This portal will not only be practical, but it will also save money for students.


 If you have any problems with the Assam State Higher Education Admissions Portal, you can send your complaint via email or WhatsApp to the relevant authorities for a solution.

 send an email to

Whatapp  No --9968362009

How do I apply for admission to the University of Assam?

    From this academic society the government. Assam has abolished the old approval process for UG approval. All students who pass the High School Exit Exam must apply online through Samarth's Bachelor's Degree Portal.

     After completing the online application process, students can be admitted to their preferred university according to their grade list. Samart's online admission process is explained below.

Step 1: Scroll down and go to the "Important Web Links" section.

Step 2: Click the link to the online application form.

Step 3: First, register basic data.

Step 4: Next, enter all the required personal and school information. Step 5: Upload educational and other documents as required.

Step 6: Finally, submit the form. A receipt will be generated.

Step 7: Also print the submitted form and confirmation copy.

Documents to upload to Samarth Portal Assam

Students must upload the following documents in their preferred format and size to complete the application process.

1. Current passport photo

2. Singnature

3. HSLC/equivalent registration certificate

4. HSLC/equivalent registration card

5. HSLC/equivalent mark sheet

6. HSLC/equivalent passport certificate

7. HS/equivalent registration certificate

8. HS/equivalent stamp sheet

9. HS/equivalent passport certificate

10. bank passbook

11. Caste certificate (if applicable)

12. Disability certificate (if applicable)

13. TGL or Ex-TGL certificate (if applicable)

Important Dates for Assam University Admissions 2023

 # Start accepting online applications: June 14, 2023

# Online application submission deadline: June 28, 2023

# First Merit List Release: July 4, 2023

# Offline Enrollment Deadline (First Listing): July 7, 2023

# 2nd Merit List Release: July 8, 2023

# Deadline for offline entry (2nd exhibition): July 11, 2023

# 3rd Merit List Release: July 12, 2023

# Deadline for offline admission (third list): July 15, 2023

# Spot Offline Entry: July 17-18, 2023

Impoetant Link-----

Online Application FormRegister | Login
Application Edit NotificationClick Here
Official NotificationClick Here
List of Institutions
Click Here
List of Programmes
Click Here
Click Here
Official Website
Click Here

List Of University----

Assam University of Science and Technology 

Batadev University

Bodorland University

Dibrugarh University

Gauhati University

Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit College of Antiquities

Madhavdev University

Majuli Cultural College

Rabindranath Tagore University

Arya Vidyapeeth College (borough)

Full-Category University (Autonomous)

Jagannath Baruah University (Autonomous)

North Lakinpool College (borough) 

 Konko University (self-government) 

 Shiv Sagar University Joy Sagar (Autonomous)