Sunday, June 25, 2023

Anundoram Borooah Award 2023: Apply

 Anundoram Borooah Award 2023: Apply

Scheme 2023 ARBAS
Exam Name H.S.L.C
Exam Board SEBA
Percentage(%) 75% or (Above)
Year of Passing 2023
organization Govt. of Assam
Apply process Online
Award Amount ₹ 16,000/-
Start Date June 2023
Last Date not specified

Anandram Borooah Prize Scheme

Anundrum Boroa was the first official of Assam. The Assam government announced in 2005 a scheme to award awards on his behalf, known as the Anandram Bolua Award Scheme. Thus, this method is widely known as his ARBAS method. Under the ARBAS program, the government has improved education by encouraging competition among students, and students have been inspired by the award system. The program is his one of the most successful anti-corruption programs in Assam's history and has inspired many students to do better in his HSLC exams.

ARBAS Eligibility Criteria 

 Eligibility and Percentage: A student who has achieved a star grade or above 75% of her in his HSLC, Higher Madrasa and Her FM exams conducted by SEBA and Assam Madrasa Education Board is eligible to apply for this programme.

Passing Year: Student must pass the proficiency exam at the stated percentage in her 2023.

Organization Name: Only students who have passed the proficiency test by SEBA and Assam Madrasa Education Board are eligible to apply for this programme.

What's in the ARBAS Laptop Awards Scheme

The program is only available to Assam students who have passed the 10th grade exam, according to SEBA and the Assam Madrasa Education Board. Beginning in 2017, the eligibility criteria for participation in this award program has been increased from 60% to 75%. Currently, students must achieve a minimum score of 75% on a proficiency test to qualify for the ARBAS program.

Inexpensive: The government will wire a certain amount of money in exchange for distributing laptops to all eligible students under this program. The government has decided to transfer 16,000 rupees (only 16,000 rupees) to the bank accounts of eligible students who have successfully passed the Level 10 exam. 

Awards Ceremony Date: As of yet, the department has not specified a date for the awards ceremony.

Documents required for application

Sl No- Need Documents
1 H.S.L.C roll number.
2 Candidate date of birth.
3 Candidate's bank account.
4 Active mobile phone number.
5 Email address (optional).

Important Dates---

๐Ÿ‘‰Start Date--- June 2023
๐Ÿ‘‰Last Date---- not specified
๐Ÿ‘‰Award ceremony schedule------ Notify Later

Important Link-- Link--
Link to online application Click here

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